2025 New York Sports, Entertainment and Gaming Forum | Small Business Contracts, Job Creation and Community Benefits


In-person registration is by invitation only. Virtual registration will open in November 2024.

New York Sports, Entertainment, and Gaming Forum’s singular focus is to provide attendees with the most data-driven insights and local content requirement strategies needed to advance public-private development in the areas of sports, entertainment, and gaming. To be awarded public-private agreements to receive licensees, land and/or funding, Local Content Requirements in local small business contracting, local job creation, local community benefits, and local stakeholder engagement are mandatory to comply with by all.

*Every attendee receives a comprehensive 2025 New York Sports, Entertainment, and Gaming Public Sentiment Insights Report with data compiled from July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.


  • 8:30am – 9:00am: Check In
  • 9:00am – 9:10am: Welcome
  • 9:10am – 9:15am: Parnter Announcement
  • 9:15am – 10:00am: Sports, Entertainment and Gaming Market Data and Insights / Q&A
  • 10:00am – 10:10am: Networking Break
  • 10:10am – 10:15am: Parnter Announcment
  • 10:15am – 11:00am: Current and Future Project Opportunities / Local Leaders In Sports, Entertainment and Gaming
  • 11:00am – 12:00pm: Close Out/Networking