Thursday, September 19, 2024

Local Content Ratings


What Are Local Content Ratings?

Local Content Ratings aim to measure public and private development project’s transparency and compliance to Local Content Requirements that mandate the use of local small businesses, job creation, local community benefit investments, and stakeholder engagement. We use a rules-based methodology to identify industry leaders and laggards based on their exposure to these local content criteria and how well they manage them relative to peers. Our Local Content Ratings range from transparency and compliance levels from High (AAA, AA), Mid (BBB), BB) to Low (CCC) development project performers.

Supply Chain Economics

Use of Local Small/Diverse Business (Products and Services).

Workforce Development

Education, Training and Job Creation (Full-Time FTE).

Community Benefit

Resources That Enhance The Quality of Life for Stakeholders/Taxpayers.

Stakeholder Engagement

Early, Frequent and Transparent Stakeholder Communication.
