Compliance Data Request (CDR)

Local content makes it easy for residents to request local content compliance data from development projects near them that receive government funding, tax incentives, and/or tax abatements. This information helps local stakeholders support development projects by being educated about the status of project local benefits. Compliance data includes how many local jobs are being created, the usage of local small businesses for project contracts, and community benefit investment impact.

We do not accept anonymous request.

Some requests that Local Content cannot help with are listed in our Compliance Data Request Guidelines.

What Happens When I File A Compliance Data Request?

  • If your request meets our compliant acceptance criteria, your request will be sent to the project owner within approximately 5 business days.
  • The business will be asked to respond within 14 business days.
  • You will be notified of the business’s response when we receive it (or notified that we received no response).
  • Request are usually closed within 30 – 60 days.